Keto Breath – Why and How to Get Rid of it.
If you have just started following a keto diet or have been following for a while, you would have notice an unpleasant smell from your mouth. But don’t panic, it’s a common side effect of following a ketogenic diet. This is caused by elevated ketone levels. The specific culprit is acetone, a ketone that exits the body in your urine and breath.
Some keto dieters say their breath has a metallic smell to it. Other folks report a pungent, acidic scent. Yet others say their breath smells fruity, have a strong odour that’s similar to nail polish remover.
What causes keto breath?
When you purposely restrict the intake of carbohydrates, your body is forced to use its fat stores for energy once you’ve depleted your glucose stores. Ketosis occurs when your body breaks down fat for energy.
Fatty acids are then converted into ketones, which are natural chemicals your body produces when you burn fat for energy. These include beta hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate, and acetone.
And like I’ve mention before Acetone is the main reason why you breath has a strong smell, acetone is an ingredient in some nail polishes, so sometimes your breath smells like nail polish remover.
These can indicate that you’ve entered ketosis.
Some people on the ketogenic diet may never experience keto breath. For those who do, it is temporary.
You may notice a change in your breath within days or a week of starting a low-carb diet. However, the odour will subside as your body adjusts to a lower carb intake (Your body adapts to it eventually). This might take a couple of weeks.
Other Possible reasons
- Acetone is produced as a ketone and extra ketones need to leave your body.
- Ammonia generated via protein digestion also needs to bounce.
- Dehydration causing dry mouth compounds halitosis and keto breath.
How to get rid of it?
Eat less protein
If you unintentionally eat more protein than your body is able to digest, your gut might ferment it, which can release a pungent smell through your mouth. As your body breaks down protein, it produces ammonia, it can create a strong odour on the breath, too.
Opt for natural breath fresheners over mints or gums
Lots of mints and gums contain carbs, including sugar-free fresheners. Opt for natural herbs and spices like cinnamon, rosemary, and fennel seed.
Be sure you’re drinking enough water
Water is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for keto dieters to hydrate often. Dehydration is a common side effect of any low-carb diet and can lead to halitosis.
Good Oral Hygiene
Bacteria can accumulate in your mouth and in between your teeth when you don’t brush or floss regularly. And can cause bad breath.
Be patient
Sometimes, you can’t get rid of keto breath. So, if you’re committed to a low-carb diet to lose weight, be patient and allow your body to adjust to its new fuel source. Your bad breath will improve after a couple of weeks.