The Most Dangerous Fat Is Easiest to Lose
Are you aware that there are different types of fat in the body? Do you know where this is located? Let’s help you understand this better & provide you with our Guaranteed resolutions!

Location of the Fat:
Fats in the body have different health effects depending on where it is stored. Most fats in other parts of the body such as arms, legs, buttocks, etc are considered “subcutaneous fat”, but a big belly is related to the increased “visceral fat”. Every dieter’s ambition is to get rid of the belly, but there is a reason why belly fat, especially visceral fat, might be dangerous. Visceral fat, also known as “hidden” fats, is stored deep in the abdomen and envelops organs such as the liver and intestines. It accounts for about one-tenth of the fat stored in the body.
Subcutaneous vs visceral fat:
Subcutaneous is “fluffy” and is located between your skin and muscles to maintain body temperature, protect against shock, and store extra calories. Whereas, Visceral also stores calories in and around the internal organs. It’s hidden deep in the abdomen, so it’s firm rather than fluffy when pressed.
Even if you are thin, you may still have visceral fats in your abdomen. Being “thin” doesn’t necessarily mean being healthy. Visceral fat tends to increase your risk of serious medical problems compared to the fat that lies just under your skin (subcutaneous fat). Heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and hypercholesterolemia are some of the conditions strongly associated with excess fats. Now comes the Solution.
How to Get Rid of It?
It’s not that difficult to get rid of that belly. Just follow the steps stated below:
- Exercise daily: By exercising continuously, you can drop both visceral and subcutaneous fats that can be visibly pinched. Also, if you are losing weight through dieting, you can maintain it by exercising. Every step counts. After dinner, go for a walk. Use the stairs or Bicycle, not a car. Aim for at least 30 minutes of this type of moderate aerobic activity each day.
- Eat Right & Smart: Eat a diet high in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and a diet with a gradual reduction in calories. Reduce your intake of sugar and alcohol, as these nutrients are more likely to become visceral fat.
- Stress less, Sleep more: It’s easier said than done, but to take care of your body, you need to take care of your mental state. Lack of sleep and stress can wreak havoc on your health and fitness goals, so learn about getting a good night’s sleep and use meditation and yoga to calm your mind. Remember, it’s not just about health. It is also your happiness.
At Bodyprocoach, we have trained a lot of Bollywood actors to achieve a great frame of physical appearance, fat percentage and most importantly keeping them fit.
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