How to get motivated to reach your fitness goals? By Praveen Nair & Maahek Nair.
Most of my members ask me how to stay motivated or how to get motivated to meet the fitness goals. This is the most frequently asked question, so I thought let me post it on the blog so that it would help others as well. Let’s classify this in two subjects. The first category of members who have done my plan, online training, YouTube workouts they are doing great & they are achieving their results as well. The second category of people are those who tried all sorts of fitness workouts, followed diet regimes, keto diet etc. They are tired of doing diets & not getting results and in fact they lose all the hopes to achieve their fitness goals. So, let me discuss few tips which I believe & can really help you to change your thoughts & make you motivated.
The most common problem with most of the people ask me that, “Praveen, I want to make changes, I really do, but I lack the motivation. I just give up; I never get results. I do a diet, I do fast, I do keto, I don’t enjoy exercise, I just can’t make it fit into my life.” Finally, they lose motivation levels.
To achieve your fitness goals motivation is the primary factor. To stay motivated or to get motivation you should step into ACTION. What I mean here is that you should commit to some action every day by saying “Today I’m going to get up and do 15 minutes of exercise.” Whether it’s a YouTube video, going for a walk, doing a cycle, or saying yourself that you are going to spend 15min more in gym with some more additional workout regime whatever it may be. That simple action where you’ve told yourself you’re going to do it; you commit to it and you finish it. This will boost your energy levels. This will make impact to a massive sense of self achievement. This will pick up your mood & this is going to be the catalyst for the advanced days of the week. If you put your step towards initiation of an action it will lead to motivation. Once you are on with motivation then you stay back with your action.
Set yourself a goal for tomorrow, do not allow your mind to follow excuses. Once you have stepped into action you will feel the difference.